
Why don’t you just finish…? Life on a conveyor belt.

You’re 15 years old. It’s careers days at school and various people are giving you talks, presentations and hand-outs about their jobs, and your careers advisor is telling you which GCSEs you’ll need to do. You’re suddenly faced with the enormity of the decision: what do I do with my life? Medicine was always the …

Why don’t you just finish…? Life on a conveyor belt. Read More »

Alternative Careers and Wellbeing for Doctors: a Medic Footprints affair…

UPDATE – SEPTEMBER 2023: I don’t want to delete this article as it’s a part of my story, but I must tell you that I cannot continue to endorse Medic Footprints as a company, following their decision to pursue the highly unethical Multi-Level Marketing business model, in the form of ‘Travel Doctorpreneurs’. As a marketing …

Alternative Careers and Wellbeing for Doctors: a Medic Footprints affair… Read More »