A New Year letter from my better self to me:

Dear Me,

This year, for the first time in perhaps your whole life, you have opened your eyes to who you really are.

Your history of anxiety, self-loathing and doubt have left you feeling scared in the face of this discovery. “Is it too late to change?” you say. “I should have done things differently.”

As much as you are enjoying your new freedom and renewed vision, your negativity is holding you back from embracing it.

So I challenge you in this year ahead to change your attitude. Do not see the past as a waste, but as the path that led you here. Do not regret your former actions because without them you wouldn’t see the value of what you are now. This is your opportunity to do something you really want to do; your investment in yourself now is you saying “I am WORTH investing in!”

The months ahead are not going to be easy. The road you’ve chosen is a difficult one, and you will encounter disappointment. You will fail. You will perhaps wonder why you left the safety and security you had before. So let me write the reasons down here so you can remind yourself:

You left because you have a gift that no one else has. You have a goal that no one else can do but you. You have an inexplicable, unshakeable faith in something that inspires you, and so will inspire other people.

Whatever happens, do not give up the fight. Do not regard the opinions of those who confuse the easy path with the right one. You are clever enough and savvy enough to know how far you should go.

You have remembered who you are. Mad romantic, dreamer, visionary, optimist. Do not ever forget it again.


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